
Eric Chmiel's Articles

Gum Disease And The Development Of Systemic Diseases

When it comes to gum disease and the development of it, there are quite a few risks. However, for the purpose of this article will be discussing the 7 major risks of gum disease development in Naples, FL. To be more specific, there is a direct link between your oral health and your overall health. Meaning that the development of gum disease can lead to the development of major health concerns. It has been proven that these seven systemic diseases below that affect overall health are related to having gum disease:   Stroke Heart Disease  Diabetes Erectile dysfunction Alzheimer’s disease Respiratory infections Pre-term low birth weight   Understanding the Links Between Gum Disease and Health Risks As far as the link between gum disease and health risks is concerned it’s highly important to understand how negative oral health can lead to negative overall health. The initial stage of gum disease would be gingivitis and when you have gingivitis essentia ...

What is the Risk of Dental Implant Failure?

While the risk of dental implants failing is low in Naples, FL, as with any surgery, there is a small risk of it not being successful. The possibility of a dental implant failure can often be determined before the implant takes place, lessening the risk of it occurring after the surgery.   Failure soon after the implant is more likely than later failure and can be due to overheating of the bone or poor bone quality, incorrect force applied during or after the implant or contamination of the implant or the implant site. These causes of dental implant failure can be reduced by using a fully qualified dental surgeon who will assess the implant site correctly and follow proper, sterile procedures during surgery. Afterwards, it is up to the patient to follow all advice given on caring for their implants. Great care should be taken during the healing process to prevent dental implant failure caused by poor oral health. The dentist will instruct the patient on how to take care of an implant and thi ...

Is There a Lot of Dental Implant Surgery Pain?

There are quite a few different options when it comes to dental surgery in Naples, FL these days, but becoming one of the most popular is dental implant surgery. Before you decide this is the surgery for you, it is important that you are aware of a few things, including the pain that you should expect and how long the recovery time will be. Dental implants are not the same as artificial replacement teeth. The reason for this is because they contain titanium cylinders that serve as the roots of the missing teeth. This means that they are permanent, unlike dentures. The popularization is because of the beneficial aspects of permanent false teeth. With dental implants, you no longer have to worry about the embarrassing moments when your dentures slip while you’re speaking or eating.   Dental Implant Surgery Recovery There are a few things that you will want to do to ensure that your dental implant surgery is a success and that your recovery goes as smoothly as possible. For one, ...

Another Day Older and Deeper in Debt? Not With Affordable Dental Implants!

If you have one or more missing teeth and you’ve been researching options to replace them, you may have been turned off by the upfront cost of dental implants. While the initial investment may be higher, there are many reasons why implants are the most cost-effective solution over time. The cost of implants is different for every patient, and a single implant’s cost can increase with different types of necessary treatments! Before you decide, we encourage you to discuss your specific dental implant cost with a dentist local to you in Naples, FL.   Why Implants Are Worth It Many people opt for dentures because they are the less expensive treatment, but the reality is that implants are the more effective, comfortable solution with durability and longevity. When implants are placed correctly by a dental professional and regularly flossed, brushed and examined, they can last a lifetime. Dentures may need to be replaced regularly and require expensive creams and adhesives to keep them ...

Ways to Prevent Gum Disease

Although common, periodontal (gum) disease does not have to become a reality for you. It is often associated with symptoms such as gum swelling, tooth pain and discomfort, and if left untreated, can lead to systemic health illnesses such as diabetes, heart disease, and stroke. Fortunately, there are a variety of things that you can do right now to reduce or eliminate your chances of getting gum disease in Naples. FL.   A few helpful tips to consider Regular brushing and flossing: Brushing and flossing twice daily can significantly minimize your chances of getting gum disease. This is because gum disease is caused by bacteria or plaque buildup in or around the gum area, leading to inflamed and irritated gums. Brushing and flossing regularly can remove the bacteria that causes gum disease and keep your mouth and gums healthy! Maintain a healthy diet: Eating a healthy diet including vegetables, fruits, lean proteins, and plenty of water can help improve your oral health which can be a refl ...

5 Reasons You Need to Replace Missing Teeth

If you are one of the 40 million Americans that has at least one missing tooth, it’s important that you know that it’s not just aesthetic challenges you face. Most dislike the way the mouth looks with missing teeth, but there may be other, larger health risks that come with not replacing your teeth.   1. Shifting Teeth Each tooth works as a placeholder to keep the other teeth around it in place. Once a tooth is missing, the others can shift over time and misalign your bite. If you once had a straight smile, you may quickly notice that your teeth are out of alignment. When you lose teeth, it’s important to replace them quickly so the others don’t shift. 2. Oral Health Care Caring for your gums and teeth are so important to your overall health. Once the teeth shift and move out of alignment, it can be harder to reach certain areas to floss or brush. If bacteria and plaque are left on the teeth, you may quickly develop periodontal disease. This can lead to more los ...

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