
From the monthly archives: May 2024

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Unraveling the Relationship Between Dental Implants and Bone Health

  The modern world of dentistry has come a long way. Advances in dentistry that provide aesthetic and functional solutions, such as dental implants, have revolutionized oral health.  When a dental implant in Naples, FL, is placed, it's not just sitting there. It's becoming a part of your jawbone. This process is called osseointegration. The implant grows into your jawbone, becoming a strong and stable part of your mouth.   Modern Dental Implants in Naples, FL When you lose a tooth, it's not just the tooth gone. The jawbone in that area can shrink because it's not being used. Bone loss is one of the top concerns when a tooth is missing. Dental implants can help prevent this, as the implant stimulates the bone just like the roots of a natural tooth, keeping it healthy and strong.   The Connection Between Dental Implants and Bone Health Surprisingly, dental implants also protect bone health. Without a tooth, bone density can decrease in th ...

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Navigating Through Gum Disease: Prevention, Symptoms, and Treatments

  Gum disease, or periodontal disease in Naples, FL, is a prevalent affliction affecting many people worldwide. It is an inflammatory condition that targets the gum tissue and, if left untreated, can lead to tooth loss. The process begins when dental plaque, filled with harmful bacteria, accumulates on the teeth and beneath the gum line. This bacterial invasion triggers an inflammatory response, resulting in the telltale signs of gum disease.     Identifying the Symptoms of Gum Disease:  Recognizing gum disease early can significantly improve oral health. Common indicators of this condition include: Red, swollen, or tender gums. Persistent bad breath. Receding gums. Loose teeth. A change in bite. If you notice any of these symptoms, it's advisable to consult with your dentist promptly. Keeping gum disease at bay is as simple as sticking to a consistent oral health care routine.  This includes brushing twice daily, flossing ...

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